Earthbound Landscaping Services
Gardens to Inspire
The Fusion of Fine Art and Nature.
At Earthbound we design landscapes to inspire and delight our clients. Our work is a fusion of fine art & nature, we consider mother nature our working partner and boss. It is a good partnership resulting in herbaceous borders, woodland walks, kitchen gardens, as well as more formal spaces such as courtyards, box parterres, rose gardens, and beautiful turf mazes.
An historic restoration.
Majestic trees over 100 years old shade the extensive grounds and gardens of this estate passed down across 6 generations. Woodland walks traverse an aqueduct and lake creating a beautiful centerpiece for the grounds. Over the years, staying on top of maintenance was a challenge, and much of the property had become overgrown. We restored the gardens and walks to their previous glory, building on and adding to the tradition and history of the estate.

Inspired by the shapes and forms found in Nature, Valerie creates a living canvas.
An English-style cottage garden.
This newly constructed cottage garden features gathering spaces with well lit paths that are comfortable under foot. Raised beds made with stone walls create a flowing framework for the lush beds of flowers and wildlife. We created many places to sit and enjoy views and sun from different perspectives. At dusk when the lights come on this garden takes on an enchanted glow.

“Valerie has a unique way of creating spaces that have style and artistic flair, enhancing your home and its surroundings. She engages you with her own source of creative inspiration.”
Book a Consultation
To book a consultation for your garden or landscape project, please email me at valerie@earthbounddesigns.com. Tell me as much as you can about your vision, space, timeline and budget, and provide a few time slots that would work best for a call or on site visit.